VERNON — In our world today, there is not enough water for everyone because some people are polluting water and others are taking water for themselves to sell it in bottles.
No one should own the water. It should be free for everybody.
Wendy Harrison is one of Windham County's two state senators. BRATTLEBORO-We're talking a lot about...
LEYDEN, MASS.-I was lucky to have been born in Boston in 1947 and never served...
WARDSBORO-I agree, we do need facts. Have you heard of CWD (chronic wasting disease)? It's...
The writer is president of Vermont Friends of Israel. ATHENS-In response to Bert Picard's criticisms...
You can borrow books, DVDs, tablet computers, telescopes, and even snowshoes from Brooks Memorial Library. Now, you can add electric-assist bicycles to the list. On May 7, the Brattleboro E-Bike Lending Library was introduced with a brief ribbon-cutting ceremony, followed by test rides on the two new bikes that Brooks will be lending out. This E-Bike Lending Library was made possible by a collaboration between Local Motion, a Burlington-based nonprofit that describes itself as advocating for “active transportation, vibrant communities,
I am not commenting about the merits of the decision on EMS but solely on the decision-making process. Many problems with the process bear repeating and beg for further analysis and reflection ... hopefully, this board and administration agrees: It appears a position was articulated at the Feb. 9 meeting. That decision resulted in frustration. Now information is being disclosed via the media. I invite the board to reflect on what happened and even bring in a neutral third party...
Artist Jeanette Staley and poet Verandah Porche are joining their considerable talents to create an exhibit at Main Street Arts titled “Unfinished Myth.” The show opens with a reception Thursday, May 5, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., and continues through June 10. “We found ourselves drawn back into familiar stories, or fragments of them, from Grimm, the Bible, and Greek mythology,” Porche said. “Their stark predicaments and sparse detail have always invited improvisation.” In one poem, Rapunzel in the tower...
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
The Commons is published by Vermont Independent Media, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.