
How will Vermont react to potential federal immigration policies?

NEWFANE — President-elect Donald Trump promised on 60 Minutes on Nov. 13 that he would get rid of (deport) or incarcerate upwards of 3 million undocumented immigrants. Trump's short list for secretary of homeland security already promises increased federal activity.

What will the state of Vermont do in response?

If a national version of Arizona's SB 1070 anti-immigration bill passes, will Vermont comply?

Which instructions will Governor-elect Phil Scott, the Vermont State Police, and local sheriff's offices follow?

What stance do our local state senators and representatives have on undocumented immigrants, and what are they willing to do to resist increased federal efforts?

For instance, New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio launched a municipal identification-card program for all city residents - IDNYC - in 2015. This program also includes undocumented immigrants. He has suggested that there would be a “real fight” if the Trump administration tries to get those records. Is Vermont also up for such a fight?

Vermont can set a national example on this issue, but we need to start this conversation before it is too late.

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