WILMINGTON — Maybe try walking, since you can't drive safely (so you say). And slow the hell down if you can't stop. Genius.
Meg Mott, Ph.D. is professor emerita of Marlboro College and Emerson College and describes herself...
Ross Momaney (rmm-art.com) is a visual artist and arts educator. By blending these roles, he...
Michelle Bos-Lun and Richard Nelson are state representatives who sit across the table from each...
Carolyn North (carolynnorthbooks.com) is a writer of books that address "the interface between matter and...
After discovering elevated radon levels at two elementary schools earlier this year, Windham Central Supervisory Union officials quickly corrected those problems. But the potentially hazardous gas has caused more persistent issues at Leland & Gray Middle and High School, the supervisory union's largest building. With students returning to class, officials say they finally have preliminary test results showing that radon is within acceptable limits at Leland & Gray. They're hoping those numbers will be confirmed by final tests, which will...
This is a news story that should have been possible a long time ago. We are impressed that The Commons was willing to take on the challenge of reporting a story like this, while carefully examining the phenomenon of an “open secret” in our own community. We view the breaking of silence as a very positive trend. How could it not be? The challenge, to date, has been whether we are willing to give social currency to the voices of...
Considered by many to be the greatest piece of unaccompanied choral music ever written, the “All Night Vigil” of Rachmaninoff will be performed by the Brattleboro Concert Choir, under the direction of artistic director Susan Dedell, on Saturday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m., and on Sunday afternoon, May 15, at 4 p.m. While closer to an hour than to “all night,” the Concert Choir nevertheless invites audiences to experience the power of Rachmaninoff's incredible music. In the 26 years Susan...
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