
Minter: best candidate in 92 years

GRAFTON — For the first time in my life I am enthusiastic about a candidate.

To say I have seen a number of government officers over the years - I am 92 years old - is an understatement. I have never been as supportive of a candidate as I am of Sue Minter, who has the best qualifications to serve as governor.

The aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene was horrible for small towns like Grafton, where I served as a member of the Selectboard.

Sue took over the position right out front as recovery chair, and she did a great job.

She was receptive for all our needs and acted promptly.

With her additional experience in the Legislature and Agency of Transportation, she has a broad background. And she loves Vermont, our people, and all the diversity in our state.

When she is inaugurated, I will be there.

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