Around the Towns

Western Avenue paving begins

BRATTLEBORO - The town has contracted with Vermont Roadworks LLC to resurface Western Avenue from Allerton Avenue to Chestnut Hill.

After milling the pavement this week, the Department of Public Works plans to pave Western Avenue Sept. 6. On-street parking won't be allowed during evening work.

For more information, contact Highway and Utilities Superintendent Hannah O'Connell at 802-254-4255 or [email protected].

BAJC to host I-91 'coffee break'

GUILFORD - The Brattleboro Area Jewish Community will host a “Coffee Break” Friday, Sept. 2, at the Welcome Center in Guilford on Interstate 91 to kick off the Labor Day weekend.

Starting at 7:30 a.m., they will offer coffee and tea; bagels; hot oatmeal and apple cider donuts; muffins, pastries, and other home-baked goods; egg salad, tuna salad, and cheese sandwiches; tastes of various flavored challah; Vermont-made yogurt; and cold drinks, including fresh lemonade.

Traveling canines will be welcomed with fresh water and healthy dog biscuits. All food, drinks, and supplies have been donated by local Vermont businesses and by BAJC cooks and bakers and are offered for a voluntary donation.

Wildlife work day at Hogback

MARLBORO - A wildlife work day is set for Sunday, Sept. 4, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Hogback Mountain Conservation Area in Marlboro.

Volunteers will rejuvenate habitat for wildlife by clearing the Great White Way, a former ski slope. Needed are people who can wield loppers, haul brush, or run a chain saw. Bring your own favorite tool or borrow one at the site.

Meet at 9 a.m. in the field behind the white A-frame building, just west of the gift shop at the 100-mile view on Route 9 in Marlboro. Contact: [email protected] or click the ESH Project tab on the web page.

Dawn Dance turns 40

BRATTLEBORO - The Brattleboro Dawn Dance turns 40 on Sunday, Sept. 4. This annual event draws dancers from around the Northeast.

English dancing starts at the Stone Church in downtown Brattleboro from 2:30 to 5:30 P.M., followed by contra dancing across the street at the Gibson-Aiken Center from 8 p.m. until the sun comes up and the lights go out.

A special 40th anniversary dance will be featured during the first set. For tickets and other information, visit the website at

Property tax payments are due

BRATTLEBORO - The 2016 Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills were mailed Aug. 8. The first-quarter payment is due Sept. 15 by 5 p.m. After that date, an additional 1 percent interest will be added to the balance.

Payments can be mailed to the Town of Brattleboro, 230 Main St., Suite 111, Brattleboro VT 05301. An official U.S. postmark with the due date will be considered an on-time payment. Include the quarterly payment stub to ensure your payment is applied properly.

Electronic Bank Checks must be received in the office by the due date. Electronic Bank Checks dated for the due date, but received after the due date will not be considered on time payment. Check with your bank for payment schedule.

Payments placed in the mail slot after hours on the due date will not be considered on time.

Payments may be made via credit or debit card at by clicking “Bill Pay” at the bottom of the page. There is a fee for this service. The town cannot accept credit card payments at the office or by telephone.

To pay in person, visit the Treasurer's Office Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 111 of the Municipal Building.

Citizens' Breakfast hosts state representatives' forum

BRATTLEBORO - The next Brattleboro Citizens' Breakfast will be held Friday, Sept. 16, at the Gibson-Aiken Center, downstairs, hosted by Senior Meals. Doors open at 7:30 a.m.

All state representatives are up for re-election on Nov. 8. All of the Brattleboro candidates for the House have agreed to attend this breakfast, give brief presentations, and be available for questions.

Democrat Valerie Stuart is running unopposed in District 1. Progressive incumbent Mollie Burke and independent Adam Salviani will appear on the ballot for the one District 2 Representative seat. Democrat Tristan Toleno is is running unopposed in District 3.

RSVP no later than Tuesday, Sept. 13, to [email protected] or 518-505-9031.

The breakfast will feature a fritata.

Cost is $6 for those under 60; $3.50 is the suggested donation for those over 60. Brattleboro Time Traders may use one time-credit hour to attend the breakfast.

Call for artists in Saxtons River

SAXTONS RIVER - The Saxtons River Art Guild is looking for fine artists, artisans, and photographers to participate in its annual Fall Arts Festival.

This year's event will take place Columbus Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 8 and 9, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the historic Walpole Town Hall in Walpole, N.H. Cost of an 8-by-10-foot space will be $25 for both days. Artists must provide their own displays and stands.

To sign up or for more information, contact Donna at 603-835-2387 or [email protected].

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