
Little is known about Cutler and DePino

DUMMERSTON — The citizens of Windham District 4 (Putney, Dummerston, and Westminster) have a very important choice to make in this November's election. Incumbents David Deen (D-Westminster) and Mike Mrowicki (D-Putney) are in contested races with newcomers Eddie Cutler and Bonnie DePino, Republicans from Westminster and Westminster West, respectively.

David Deen and Mike Mrowicki have long and documented records of service in the Vermont House of Representatives. Little is known yet about where Eddie Cutler and Bonnie DePino stand on the wide range of issues that affect those of us who live in Windham District 4, but we do know that both Cutler and DiPino are members of Gun Owners of Vermont, and Cutler is the organization's president. The banner at the top of this organization's website reads “Dedicated to a no-compromise position against gun control.”

I think it's safe to say that Deen and Mrowicki will carefully consider any bills promoting gun safety and keeping guns out of the hands of those with a history of violent behavior which might come before the Vermont House in the coming term and that they will work diligently with other lawmakers to reach common ground on gun safety so that Vermont's hunting traditions and right to bear arms can be upheld.

On the other hand, Cutler has repeatedly and publicly stated that he is against any new laws that help keep guns out of the wrong hands - no compromise. I would expect DePino, as a member of Gun Owners of Vermont, to hold the same views as Cutler on gun legislation.

I encourage the constituents of Windham District 4 to pay close attention in the coming months to where these four candidates stand on all the issues that concern you. I believe the choices will be clear. Then, having educated yourselves on the choices, vote!

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