Mary McCallum used to contribute regularly to the commentary series that used to air on...
Timothy Belknap describes himself as a "downtown resident and Brattleboro lover." BRATTLEBORO-The yes vote to...
WEST TOWNSHEND-When I learned, as a girl, about the lead-up to Kristallnacht, I had thought...
BRATTLEBORO-The headline made me curious enough to read this one person's opinion of a local...
In the Jan. 31 issue of the print edition of The Commons, an advertisement used a word that is widely regarded as antisemitic. Since the eruption of violence on Oct. 7, we have published a full range of local viewpoints about the horrific scenario unfolding in Israel and Gaza. Advertising from organizations, businesses, and individuals will reflect this same tension. Readers expect a full spectrum of views expressed in our pages in news and advertising. Discomfort will be inevitable. Antisemitic...
What are Trump's people thinking? They hang in. And then some. Why? A common explanation is the alienation of blue-collar white men - alienated by movement of jobs overseas, automation's assault on craft pride, weakening of private-sector unions, new status of women in family and workplace, and the shift of non-whites from safe-to-feel-superior-to, to threat to white status. Still, the persistent strength of Trumpism is surprising. What of practical value did his candidacy offer his followers? What did his presidency...
The Brattleboro Area Jewish Community (BAJC), Congregation Shir Heharim, announces the release of their community cookbook, Song of the Mountains, Vol. 2, Favorite Family Recipes, Past & Present. According to a news release, the cookbook's theme is “family and the memories which are brought to mind by the foods that were shared at holidays, special occasions, and everyday meals.” Spearheaded by BAJC's fundraising committee - Deb Schiller, Susan Auslander, and Stephan Brandstatter - this project has been a year in...
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The Commons is published by Vermont Independent Media, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.