Recent stories:
• Economic problems in southern Vermont - lack of jobs, etc.
• Opposition to Justice Center in Bellows Falls.
• Opposition to gas plant in Vernon.
• Opposition to wind power plant.
Gee, can there be a connection here?
Wendy Harrison is one of Windham County's two state senators. BRATTLEBORO-We're talking a lot about...
LEYDEN, MASS.-I was lucky to have been born in Boston in 1947 and never served...
WARDSBORO-I agree, we do need facts. Have you heard of CWD (chronic wasting disease)? It's...
The writer is president of Vermont Friends of Israel. ATHENS-In response to Bert Picard's criticisms...
Half of the open seats on the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) School Board are being contested in the election on Tuesday, March 5. • Matt Schibley, who was appointed in October 2023, is being challenged for the remainder of a three-year term as Brattleboro representative by Lance Cutler. • Two full three-year terms as Brattleboro representative are being sought by incumbent Tim Maciel, Colleen Savage, and Richard Leavy. • In Guilford, current board Chair Kelly Young is being challenged...
The good folks in Vermont should be studying what we have been going through for several years after the decommissioning of San Onofre. Check out We did a poll, and 92 percent favored naming it the Darrell Issa Nuclear Waste Dump. We are supposed to be one of the six nuclear power plants in the country that the National Academy of Sciences wants to study for cancer streaks. But the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has held up the funding for...
Main Street Arts is offering four unique camps in June and August, including printmaking, puppetry, theater for teens, and its popular arts exploratory camp. Printmaking with professional printer Clare Adams for ages 6 through 9 will meet Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 20, 21, and 22 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Adams will teach the basics of mono-printing using stencils and layering with nontoxic, water-based inks. Students will collaborate on a group wall hanging and take home individual creations. The...
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