
Sanity in gun laws will make our kids safer

BRATTLEBORO — Thanks, Michael Balamuth, for your commentary. Your ideas will bring out the fear and paranoia of the less than 20 percent of our society that does not support universal background checks.

When I was in my late teens, I owned a rifle. I was immature, not educated in any kind of gun safety, and had an addiction to alcohol. But for some whiff of grace, I didn't hurt myself or another person.

Now, I volunteer for GunSense VT. We are a grassroots organization that wants to bring some sanity into our state laws.

Sandy Hook and the many more recent shootings are game changers. I was surprised to learn today that more pre-schoolers are killed by gun violence in the United States than law-enforcement officers are.

We adults have failed as a society to protect our children. Many on the other side will respond that “more guns will make all of us safer.” Nothing could be further from the truth, and the facts bear this out.

Armed teachers is the last thing this country needs. Brattleboro teachers were recently given training on how to weaponize their classroom against an armed assailant.


This might be a good definition of insanity.

Gun Owners of America, no one wants to take your guns away. We want to keep our children safe.

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