
Happy with solar power

WEST BRATTLEBORO — My wife and I started investigating solar power for our home four years ago. We learned that, based on our past usage, an array approximately 5 kilowatts in size would supply all our needs.

Our design translated into 22 solar panels and cost a substantial amount, which included excavation for underground cabling from our field. Though our roof could not accommodate this, part of our small open field could.

Through the federal 30-percent tax credit and a state of Vermont grant program, our costs were reduced by 45 percent. Though that state program is no longer giving such grants, the price of panels have since decreased sharply.

We have been very happy with our system and have had no electric bill for more than three years. While the system will take a while to pay for itself, it is an excellent use of our money when viewed as a long-term investment. Solar panels are guaranteed for 20 years or more and are very low risk.

My wife and I realize we were privileged to have had the resources to install an array to fully meet our needs. Others without such resources, however, should not be discouraged from “going solar.” There are now financing options as well as community solar arrays that may lead to lower net energy costs for you as well as offer a solution if you rent or don't have a good site yourself.

Brattleboro residents or businesses can visit brattleborosolarsummer.org to find out about local installers and the discounts they've agreed to offer through the end of September.

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