
Why are we spraying toxins on a playground?

BELLOWS FALLS — Why aren't all the decisions we make based upon the future needs of our grandchildren? To ensure their survival and well-being?

At the most recent meeting of the Bellows Falls Village Trustees, a citizen stated that Monsanto's Roundup was used last year on the grounds surrounding the Bellows Falls Middle School.



After all the scientific research available on this toxic product?

A very insightful report from the journal Interdisciplinary Toxicology posted on Mother Earth News connects increased use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, with growing rates of celiac incidence, deaths from intestinal infections, acute kidney disease, and deaths due to Parkinson's: bit.ly/glysophate_study.

A story from USA Today reports the findings of the World Health Organization: usat.ly/1C7fNAW.

In addition, a valid question that follows: How many other public properties in all of Rockingham are being contaminated in the same way? Who is making this devastating decision to negatively impact the health of our children, and all inhabitants, with this poison?

Has none of them read Rachel Carson's Silent Spring?

We all need to care about the future and how we interact with our environment. Speak with your boards and educators about this matter.

We should walk lightly upon the Earth. That includes school lawns where our children play.

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