
Bags for Beans for Brattleboro charities

In the fall of last year, the Brattleboro Food Co-op implemented a program with the catchy name “Bags for Beans for Brattleboro.”

Previously, the Co-op - like many other shops - had deducted 5 cents from the total grocery bill for each shopping bag or container a customer brings (called a “green stamp”), instead of using bags that the Co-op provides.

Now, customers have a choice between green stamps and receiving a bean for each bag or container. These beans are placed in any of three different containers next to the exit. The containers are large water-cooler bottles, clearly marked with the names of three different charities - currently, the Senior Center, Morningside Shelter, and the Overflow Shelter.

It is probably safe to assume that for most customers, a deduction of 5 cents per bag from the bill doesn't really make a noticeable difference, but these 5 cents do add up to sizable contributions for the individual charities.

Of course, customers can always opt for green stamps, if they prefer, but it seems that most favor the bean program.

This program is by no means new, but it seems to be a first in our area. What an easy way to make charitable contributions!

Thank you to the Brattleboro Food Co-op for introducing it, which means additional administrative work - and for the cashiers it's probably annoying to explain this concept over and over - but it's so worth it. Since the program was launched in September of last year, the beans have amounted to more than $1,000 in contributions.

We urge co-op shoppers to take advantage of this program by bringing their bags and containers, and we urge more local business to adopt a similar program. It is win-win all around - your packaging costs will go down as customers bring their own, our environment benefits by less trash produced, and our local charities will have another sizable income stream at a time when the need is so great and increasing.

Consider what amount would this translate to if more stores in the area introduced this program. Feel free to contact us for more details or to learn of models in other towns which might fit your own store.

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