Wonderful article - thanks. It prompted me to listen to Feathers tonight for the first time in a few years; the group still sounds great.
I'm going to look for Ruth Garbus's solo music online now!
Cal Glover-Wessel grew up in Brattleboro and lives here again after a few years of...
PUTNEY-I am grateful to call Bex Slattery a colleague, blessed to call her a friend,
WILMINGTON-As a former Vernon resident (and one dying to move back there!) I wholeheartedly endorse...
BRATTLEBORO-Oscar Heller is my choice for the three-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard. As a...
As of Sept. 1, sheriff's deputies won't be protecting either of Windham County's courthouses. County Sheriff Keith Clark says he isn't renewing his department's courthouse security contract because the state's offer for fiscal year 2017 doesn't come close to covering his costs. Clark agreed to a two-month extension covering July and August, and state officials say they are seeking security providers who are interested in taking over after that. “While we are disappointed that the two sides could not come...
I read Susie Crowther's column with great interest. In particular, the effects of probiotics on our body, especially during seasonal affective disorder, was informative. Introducing kimchi as an antidote to stress was rather catchy, but I find it unreliable. If Susie's assertion is correct, the Koreans should feel no stress considering the amount of kimchi an average Korean consumes At the same time, I have the following comments about her article as a consumer of kimchi for over 50 years:
Champlain College professor of philosophy David Mills presents an illustrated lecture titled “What is Art?” at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center on Thursday, May 30, at 7 p.m. The lecture is free and open to the public. By imagining art history as an ongoing conversation, Mills explores ways of encountering art as more than just subjective preference. This highly visual presentation provides new ways to interact with what we find in museums and galleries. Mills' conceptual framework will help...
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