
Help us keep those in need warm this winter

DOVER — On behalf of Warm Hands Warm Heart, Inc., I thank all of you in the community for your generous support of this charity; your generosity has been heartwarming.

We are encouraging your ongoing support into the new year, and we are hoping that 2015 will help to reduce our communities' need for warm clothing.

Warm Hands is a local, non-denominational organization, and we ask our neighbors to contribute their gently-used clothing that we, in turn, distribute to local sites for those in need.

Our focus has been winter hats, gloves, scarves, coats, and all manner of inner- and outerwear for both adults and children (with a special focus on the smallest). Many of you have looked in your closets, basements, and attics and directed clothing our way.

We have a new collection box on the porch of the Brattleboro Masonic Lodge (196 Main St., next to the post office). We are especially proud of our collaboration with the Brattleboro Masons and their support.

How long will this year's drive continue? Well, the weather has been fairly mild (up until now), but most of us don't think Old Man Winter is really going to bypass us this season. For many, this is our harshest time of year, and your support is gratefully appreciated.

We will continue into the spring, and we hope that with your continued support, we will be able to assist others.

Many thanks again.

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