
State your case to Traffic Safety Committee

BRATTLEBORO — Traffic safety is a major concern of and for the people of Brattleboro. The Traffic Safety Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. At these meetings, the committee and citizens work to find remedies for traffic issues the public have voiced concerns about.

The public input is very helpful because it comes from common folk who actually experience problematic situations in their respective areas of town, usually daily. I am sure Police Chief Michael Fitzgerald was talking also, about this relationship in his message about community members and police working in conjunction with one another.

At the last meeting, only three members of the public attended. There had been town folk who had contacted the town manager's office during October with concerns of how fast the traffic was moving and not enough signage at the local cross walk in their area of town.

As for Western Avenue/Greenleaf Street intersection (near the 7-Eleven), the committee voted to use the portable light-speed radar flasher. At this time with the lack of funds it is not possible to have a light-speed radar flasher there for prolonged periods.

That intersection needs a permanent light or redesign of the traffic pattern.

The community could work together to raise funds to get a light at this intersection by, for instance, having events on the common in front of the firehouse on Western Avenue. That could get funding to get a light in place much sooner than waiting for funds from the town.

The state Agency of Transportation might have some funds for a light, but the town would have to apply. The West Brattleboro Association and those in West Brattleboro village would have to show interest and approach the town.

The procedure, as I have seen, is to first send the request to the town traffic committee to be put on the agenda. Then, go to the next committee meeting and back up your request with proper data for getting the light in permanently.

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