
Thanks to husband’s colleagues at VY

A letter to Vermont Yankee Employees:

My husband, John, has worked at VY for over 14 years, so it goes without saying that I've seen it all - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the good year after year.

Thank you for the many hours and dollars you have contributed to those in need. Countless people's lives have been touched by your hard work and compassion.

Thank you for being the greatest group of people John has ever worked with. He has said time and time again that you are the best part of going to work each day.

Thank you for being the example I can hold up to my two boys in the midst of all of the ugliness. While others name-call, gloat, and spew hatred, you carry yourselves with considerable restraint and dignity.

Thank you for remembering what is important, even at a time like this, when so many are jubilantly celebrating the impending job losses.

You continue to go to work each day with the safe operation of the plant as your top priority, shutting out the ignorance of others.

You are a highly skilled, dedicated, and caring group of people, and you deserve all of the good that can come your way.

I am wishing each one of you the best.

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