
Thanks from GunSenseVT

BRATTLEBORO — On behalf of Gun Sense Vermont, I thank those who attended our vigil on the Brattleboro Common, commemorating the six-month anniversary of the massacre in Newtown, Conn.

I also thank the singers who contributed to this occasion, Pastor Susanna Griefen of the Dummerston Congregational Church for her reading, and state Rep. Mike Mrowicki, who spoke about his efforts to pass sensible gun legislation favored by a majority of Vermonters.

Our goal is to keep guns in the hands of those who are responsible and make it harder for them to fall into the wrong hands. With the highest rate of gun deaths in New England, according to the CDC, Vermont cannot afford to sidestep this issue any longer. This is a conversation that our state must have.

GunSenseVT will be marching in the Brattleboro Fourth of July parade to remember Newtown and all the tragic and unnecessary gun deaths before and since. We invite everyone to join us and show your support for this issue. Please e-mail [email protected] for details.

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