
Bellows Falls to vote on amended village charter

BELLOWS FALLS — Dec. 4 is the date for an important vote to adopt the amended charter for the Bellows Falls Village Corporation. The following is based on my personal perspective.

This amended charter, the first revision of the charter in many decades, is the product of a revision process that began several years ago.

Over the past 14 months, the Charter Revision Committee met 12 times in legally warned public meetings. The revision process included two public hearings for the public to ask questions and also to request changes.

After careful consideration, the Trustees voted to include some of the changes requested at the hearings.

A few people who oppose passage of the amended charter have launched a fear campaign. Over the past two weeks, negative rumors criticizing the amended charter have been murmured throughout the village, all of them grossly inaccurate.

At the Oct. 30 joint meeting of the Village Trustees and the Rockingham Selectboard, a spokesman of a local organization called upon the trustees to cancel the scheduled vote on the amended charter.

The vote remains on schedule. Village officials need to represent the interests of all village citizens, not just the most vocal meeting attendees.

The charter specifies how our village is governed. The amended charter includes some general clarifications. Other features include important alignment with current Vermont statutes and enhancement to the protection of the village watershed.

The amended charter also continues to retain the positions of three elected auditors. There are no changes either to the length of terms of officials or to the form of government.

Other important areas are also addressed.

A summary of the amendments appears on the warning for the Special Meeting and also on the ballot.

The full text of the “Bellows Falls Village Corporation Charter Amendments for Vote on December 4th” is posted at the Rockingham Free Public Library and at Town Hall. Copies are also available at the Town Clerk's office or online at bit.ly/bfcharter. Be sure to note the guide to the text appearing on the cover.

Please vote on Dec. 4. If you have questions or concerns, call me at 802-460-1163 or email [email protected]. Thank you.

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