BRATTLEBORO — RE: “V-Why?” [Letters, Sept. 25].
Why do the vast majority of anti-Vermont Yankee protesters emanate from outside Vermont?
Wendy Harrison is one of Windham County's two state senators. BRATTLEBORO-We're talking a lot about...
LEYDEN, MASS.-I was lucky to have been born in Boston in 1947 and never served...
WARDSBORO-I agree, we do need facts. Have you heard of CWD (chronic wasting disease)? It's...
The writer is president of Vermont Friends of Israel. ATHENS-In response to Bert Picard's criticisms...
The voters of Vernon wrapped a marathon Annual Town Meeting on March 5 after three long nights of debate. The effects of their decisions could ripple for months or years. Voters slashed the police department budget, rejected the $4.4 million school budget, picked apart the $2.2 million municipal budget, and approved funds for transferring the town pension plan to the municipal equivalent of a 401(k) retirement plan. The town will schedule a special town meeting to reconsider the school budget.
I recently heard about a couple and their puppy who were attacked by bear-hound hunting dogs this past October on public land. I hope that the Legislature will take up the hounding issue this coming session. Sadly, hounds can be run all year and training seasons occur when bears, raccoons, bobcats, and other animals are tending to and nursing their young. For those happily unaware about what hounding involves, it's where a hunter allows a pack of hounds to run,
In-Sight Photography Project invites LGBTQ+ identifying youth (ages 11 to 18) to submit images to a Youth Pride Photo Contest and Exhibition in partnership with Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC), Vital Partnerships, and United Way of Windham County. For 30 years, In-Sight has empowered youth through the photographic arts to engage in community and culture. In a news release, organizers say it is thrilling to collaborate with these partners to celebrate the region's young LGBTQ+ photographers. LGBTQ+ youth living...
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1212, Brattleboro, VT 05302
Physical address:
139 Main St, Suites 601A and 604, Brattleboro, VT 05302
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