
Senior Solutions just can’t afford office

BRATTLEBORO — As Howard Fairman's letter [“Is this a senior solution?,” Aug. 1] pointed out, Senior Solutions will no longer have an office in the Brattleboro Senior Center. We regret the need to move.

Consolidating our two Brattleboro offices into one was necessary to save money. Due to repeated cuts in federal and state funding, we must find ways to balance our budget.

We had hoped to consolidate at the Senior Center. There was not enough space for all our Brattleboro staff, so we are moving to our other office in the Municipal Building.

Seniors and their caregivers who miss us at the Senior Center may call our HelpLine at 1-800-642-5119 from the comfort of their homes. Our friendly staff will answer their questions and provide personalized assistance. In-person meetings may be scheduled when necessary.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we gratefully accept tax-deductible donations and legacy gifts, which will help to maintain our services in the face of continued budget cuts.

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