
State: Stay strong, but beware the law of unintended consequences

DUMMERSTON — My thanks to The Commons for printing almost the full text of Gov. Shumlin's State of the State address in the Jan. 11 edition.

Gov. Shumlin concisely and clearly tells the story of the devastation caused by Tropical Storm Irene and how the state partnered with local communities and federal agencies with remarkable efficiency to deal with Irene's challenges in timely and necessary ways.

Vermont did indeed become “Vermont Strong” in its response to Irene, and for this Gov. Shumlin and many, many others deserve our gratitude.

I'm also grateful to The Commons for the editorial [“A process for crisis is not good standard operating procedure,” Jan. 18]. It is “right on,” as a friend used to say.

The response to damaged roads, bridges, and overflowing streams and rivers at a time of crisis is understandable and necessary, to be sure, but what was done in some places might suffer from the law of unintended consequences, and the procedures followed must not be taken as an absolute blueprint for how Vermont's roads and rivers should be maintained and cared for. The editorial eloquently explains why care needs to be taken in recognizing and heeding the lessons of our recovery from Irene.

“Vermont Strong,” yes. May this continue to be so as recovery from Irene is completed and in more normal times (if there are such times) in the future.

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