
Shelter board offers update, thanks

BELLOWS FALLS — As the Greater Falls Warming Shelter struggled this fall to open a winter warming shelter in Rockingham, there has been a tremendous outpouring of support for our efforts, from which we take heart. The majority of the people of this region are truly caring.

This is evidenced by the fact that more than 60 individuals volunteered at the shelter last year and provided meals for the 50 folks we sheltered.

There has been much misinformation and half-information in this and other newspapers recently about our efforts, so the board of the GFWS would like to set the record straight by providing the following information.

In addition, if the public emails us at [email protected], we will be happy to answer any questions.

Our mission is to provide a safe, warm overnight shelter during the winter months for those in need. To comply with the fire code, that shelter must be equipped with a fire suppressant sprinkler system. Such locations are hard to come by, and we welcome any suggestions.

Our board includes representatives of SEVCA, Our Place Drop-in Center, Parks Place, members of the faith and business communities, and other involved community members with whom we have worked for three years. These close relationships offer resources to our guests to help them move out of homelessness and, indeed, some have.

We also realize that homelessness is an ongoing problem and that our efforts are a Band-Aid for a much bigger problem. But before long-term healing can be applied, we have to stop the bleeding.

The need we are trying to meet is an immediate emergency that can't wait for a more permanent solution. We welcome input and energy from those who cry “Band-Aid” to work with us toward long-term solutions.

We have limited financial resources and receive no town funding. As stewards of the contributions we receive, we are obligated to use them with discretion and to provide resources such as sleeping bags, tents, and transportation to other shelters to fulfill our mission.

We have supported Hundred Nights, Inc. by connecting them to our volunteers, some of whom have opted to take the Hundred Nights training and volunteer at their shelter in Keene.

Should Hundred Nights secure a place in Rockingham, we are committed to paying the rent. In the meantime, we are providing some financial support to Hundred Nights to help with transportation back and forth to Keene. We are in ongoing discussion with them to determine whether we will provide additional support and, if so, how much and for what.

We had an agreement with Alpha G (d.b.a. Athens Pizza) to rent their space again and had presented them with a lease that both our lawyers have reviewed. However, we did not want to sign the lease until we received a ruling from the Planning Commission/Zoning Board, which, as you know, did not happen.

Currently, we have entered an appeal of the zoning non-decision to the state Environmental Court, but their docket is so full that we don't anticipate a ruling before winter is over.

Based on last winter's shelter statistics and the continued economy, we know there is a need. This winter has been mild up to this point, but now, with the temperatures in the single numbers, we anticipate more folks will come out of their tents in the woods or run out of heating oil and seek help. We will continue to do as much as we can for them. How can we do less for the least of these, our brothers and sisters?

Our deepest thanks to those of you who have spoken words of encouragement to us both privately and publicly.

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