
‘We are thankful that VY employees take their obligation to run a safe plant seriously’

In response to Evan Twarog [“What is my family going to do if VY shuts down?” Letters, Nov. 16]:

What a wonderfully written letter in support of your family, Evan. It is obvious you are a great student with the gift of reason, an open mind, and a solid family life. I trust you know how blessed you are and that you have the foundation for a fantastic life ahead.

Regarding your concern for your family in light of the imminent closure of Vermont Yankee, I understand how you feel. Changing jobs in this economic environment can be particularly troubling. And, in general, change in life can sometimes be difficult.

The good news is that change very often makes us stronger people. Doors open that we never knew existed, and new opportunities can be rewarding and fulfilling.

I'm sorry you perceive that some of your neighbors don't respect your father, Evan. It can't be easy feeling great pride for a loved one while believing others don't feel the same pride as you do.

But there's something I really hope you can understand, Evan: Many of us hate the very existence of the VY plant near our ancestral homes, but truly appreciate the employees.

We are thankful that VY employees take their obligation to run a safe plant seriously, and we wish them all the best in this critical effort. Perhaps ironically, the employees of Japan's ill-fated Fukushima nuclear plants are regarded as local heroes for giving up their lives to forestall a larger disaster.

We hope that the decommissioning process to come will require that many of the current VY employees keep their employment and make the closed plant safer for you and those who will live here long after we're gone.

And VY closure proponents are imploring Vermont state and local officials to create concrete plans for re-trainings and employment opportunities for employees.

We don't want any of the VY employees to struggle in this transition. We want your family to be secure, Evan, while we make everyone's environmental future more secure as well. We can all win in this transition process.

We encourage you to not be afraid and to see change as an opportunity. As a philosophy and a way of life, change can be a terrific, enriching experience.

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