
Shumlin, go beyond the pink ribbons

BRATTLEBORO — After reading the political ad Peter Shumlin ran in the paper, his proclamation of “Pink Ribbon Days,“ I wonder how many people are helped or healed of cancer by the wearing of pink ribbons? How many people do you know who are well from wearing them?

Since radiation and chemotherapy, promoted by the American Medical Association, can often be lethal in and of themselves, I would like to know more about the potential of other cancer cures.

There appear to be cures that have not been explored by science and pharmaceutical companies because they seem to be effective in curing disease and bringing people to health, whereas corporate pharmaceutical companies are in business to make profits, not to heal people.

The legal “drug cartel,” pharmaceutical companies, wants to sell drugs/products/“treatments” to sick people, which means their vested interest is in prolonging sickness, disease, and ill health, rather than in promoting healing or health.

The people of Vermont, of Earth, deserve better; we deserve to fully explore any and all healing and health options.

Numerous alternative methods of coping with and even healing cancer have testimonials of healed individuals, including the following:

• Rick Simpson's Phoenix Tears method.

• Master Mineral Solution.

• Oxidation of the blood in the body. (It was found in the early 1950s for at least one woman at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center that uterine cancer was healed by two treatments of removing her blood, running it through an oxygenating machine, and putting it back in her body.)

• Therapeutic doses of vitamin C.

• Vitamin B-17.

I am curious about these and other possibilities within the alternative healing sector.

Since there is too much of an incentive for not curing cancers in our health care system because greater profits are gained from sickness than from the cure, ours is sometimes called a “sick care system.”

I want Shumlin to publicly acknowledge the correlation between profit and sickness, and to stand up for more exploration of alternative methods that have been driven underground by the oppression or suppression from the corporate medical/pharmaceutical cartel.

I encourage and support Peter Shumlin in taking a position stronger than that of wearing pink ribbons with regards to cancer.

I want a governor who will take a stand for healthy Vermonters by confronting the lies and manipulations of the pharmaceutical cartel.

I want a governor who will encourage people to use natural and non-toxic cancer treatments and remedies that have been shown to work.

I want a governor who will educate people about how to live cancer-free naturally in a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) world.

I want Peter Shumlin to tell people to take vitamin B-17, because it has been shown to prevent cancer!

I want a truth-telling governor, one who will tell the truth and stand on it regardless of corporate outcry or pressure, with or without pink ribbons.

I want one who will tell the truth for the greater good of all concerned, including the 99 percent, not just the 1 percent who own most the financial wealth.

Governor Shumlin, you must realize that health wealth is invaluable and immeasurable, and it is within your power to offer it to all the good people of Vermont.

Thank you, Governor Shumlin, for having the courage to do that for us.

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