
Karl Rove, were you not breast-fed?

BRATTLEBORO — An open letter to Karl Rove:

I want to speak to you with a clear and non-emotional voice.

You, Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and all of your cronies and friends have created this horrible, racist message that will lead to fascism and despair.

Why do you hate us? Why do you hate your fellow Americans so much? Is this some passive-aggressive compulsion to dominate left over from being bullied as a child, a compulsion that has caused you to become bullies?

Please stop.

What you are creating is upheaval on the entire planet. What will be left for you to dominate once your plans come to fruition? What are you compensating for? Were you not breast fed?

I implore you to seek help. You can stop. No addict, including one addicted to power, has to keep living through his or her personal nightmare. In this case, you've created a nightmare scenario for all of us.

Please, please think about your actions. You created this mess. Your parents would surely tell you to clean it up.

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