Kate Anderson

Donation will help NECCA in its new building

The New England Center for Circus Arts has received a very useful donation from Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, and we express sincere appreciation to the company for sharing its resources with such community spirit and allegiance.

As you all know, NECCA is on the move! We celebrated groundbreaking for the first custom-built Trapezium in the country on Sept. 29, and we will be occupying the new building within the first half of next year.

Entergy's contribution of office cubicle dividers allows us to move in, set up, and carry forward without a pause. For an organization as active as ours, this is a significant help.

Thank you to Entergy's Marty Cohn, whose facilitation of this, from beginning to end, could not have been more gracious.

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Artists! Stop giving away your work!

A volunteer describes an arts community where artists can make a living as her vision

The volunteer is present in every organization doing what needs doing - stuffing envelopes, cleaning up after events, building stages, offering in-kind services of every imaginable manner, greeting joyfully, serving on boards. Board participation is demanding, and I'd like to acknowledge right now the first-rate efforts I have witnessed...

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The art of collaboration

When public art truly involves the public

Any notion of art will will do - the elegant rhythm of a dance, the balance of form, articulated by light and shadow and color of a painting. Both reveal a story asking to be told.  However brief that story, however abstract, however ancient - from a child's bedtime...

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