Kimberly Soto

Hate is indeed in Vermont, but the banner was an affirmation

I have faced hate here in Vermont many times. It is here.

I know a time when a town in Vermont would have never been okay with this kind of banner - “Hate Does Not Grow Well in the Rocky Soil of Vermont” - on its street. The banner has given me hope and pride for the positive change happening in my home. I read this letter, and it took away a bit of that loving feeling I had.

I focused right away on the phrase “grow well.” I think it is key. If the banner said “doesn't grow” instead, I would fully agree with this view.

It is not about what is here; it is about not letting what is here grow. Crabgrass can take over a lawn, but with care and love it can be stopped. Love and helping hands will treat the crabgrass of hate. Together, we will stop it from growing and soon the green grass of love will take over.

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