Nanci Bern

‘This was supposed to be a true fairy tale’

Love means being in the presence of another who resonates with your soul — but that resonance comes with the risk of loss

Once upon a time, there was a woman who was single. She had children whom she loved and lived nearby.

Once upon a time, there was a man. He was also single. He was very kind.

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Grieving our loss of power

‘How can I put my spirit back together and make sense of this when it seems there is no sense left to hold?’

When I was 16, I knew I was a woman. This realization came from the core of my awareness. I felt an assuredness as solid and calm as a growing sapling. My feet were connected to the earth, and my spirit became attached to the wide forest of women...

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Promised land

A salamander’s exodus across a dirt-road desert marks a Seder for one determined not to spend it alone

As many of us are still not able to join together, may this story be a comfort. Having been living in this region for only a few months before Passover, I found myself on my own. I had spent a few Seders by myself in previous years, but that...

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This time, the world will have to admit to seeing this war

I was not huddled around a radio on the night that threw darkness upon souls. I did not stand in a silence that paralyzed my voice and crushed my breath. But I know that moment. I feel it as if it were my own. I was raised in its shadow. Even on sunny days, its pall can lurk just beyond the brightness of a day that was not encumbered by war. We have seen the unleashing of hatred and privileged...

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Reflection on ungrounding of Groundworks

Simply put: things happen. Funding does not come through, people have opinions and reactions, and organizations have their stance that seems intractable. Parties become adversaries instead of partners. The lessons learned from this can spread a wide net, if we let it, if we tend to it. I am concerned for the people who will need shelter for the coming winter and hope a new place is found. I wanted Groundworks to be able to establish its programs here. I...

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