Wendy M. Levy

Who is paying for the opinions in the mailbox?

BELLOWS FALLS-Today in my mailbox I found a big, glossy, glaring postcard (6 in. × 11 in., to be exact). It was from a group calling itself Americans for Prosperity.

That sounds nice. Prosperity - who doesn't want that?

The card wasn't nice, though. It had a lot of exclamation points and warnings about the impending doom of Act 18. The card didn't really explain what Act 18 actually is, but it told me "Vermont can't afford [it]!"

"Tell your lawmaker to repeal Act 18 now!!!"...

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Kornheiser leads from her heart and mind to support working people in her policy decisions

BELLOWS FALLS-I consider myself fortunate to have graduated from Marlboro College and settled in Windham County. It's put me in the realm of incredibly smart and empathetic people. (If you're reading this, that probably includes you!) Every once in a while, though, a few individuals rise to the top.

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A sci-fi/horror/comedy classic returns to the big screen

Epsilon Spires celebrates the season with the 1984 darkly funny Christmas film. And ugly sweaters.

This year, Epsilon Spires presents a Christmas event worthy of its reputation. Pop culture, satire, and unusual music fill the bill on Friday, Dec. 22, when the downtown arts organization will screen the comedy-horror hit, Gremlins. Guests are encouraged to wear their best - or worst - ugly holiday...

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Looking forward to seeing Dunklee around (and sneaking up in the pancake line)

BELLOWS FALLS-Now that I'm no longer a regular reporter at this newspaper, it's probably OK for me to admit this in public: One of my favorite assignments was interviewing Lester Dunklee. Oh, but I sure was intimidated. (Not that that stopped me, of course.) I moved to Brattleboro in 1994. About a year later, I got a job slinging coffee at Mocha Joe's. One afternoon, I was working with former owner Ellen Tucker-Capy, and she said she had to run...

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Looking forward to seeing Dunklee around (and sneaking up in the pancake line)

Now that I'm no longer a regular reporter at this newspaper, it's probably OK for me to admit this in public: One of my favorite assignments was interviewing Lester Dunklee. Oh, but I sure was intimidated. (Not that that stopped me, of course.) I moved to Brattleboro in 1994. About a year later, I got a job slinging coffee at Mocha Joe's. One afternoon, I was working with former owner Ellen Tucker-Capy, and she said she had to run an...

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‘The problem is unrestrained capitalism’

Which holiday is scarier: Halloween or Black Friday? If you answered the latter, you may find comfort and fellowship on Friday, Nov. 24, when arts organization Epsilon Spires screens John Carpenter's anti-consumerist cri de coeur, They Live. Described as a science fiction action horror film, They Live stars Roddy Piper (known to WrestleMania fans as "Rowdy" Roddy Piper), Keith David, and Meg Foster. In addition to directing the film, Carpenter (under the pseudonym "Frank Armitage") also wrote the screenplay, based...

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Three bands with N.E. roots push boundaries of styles, genres

In honor of the vintage English nursery rhyme ("Thursday's child has far to go"), Epsilon Spires presents a midweek lineup on Thursday, Oct. 19, of three far-ranging musical acts, each one pushing the boundaries of song styles and genres. The common denominator? All earned the bulk of their musical cred in New England. Damon Krukowski and Naomi Yang of Damon & Naomi began playing music together in the late 1980s as the rhythm section, co-songwriters, and sometimes singers, with guitarist...

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‘An unparalleled journey of evocative mythic imagery’

Epsilon Spires - in the spirit of its tagline, "Rewarding the Curious" - will present an evening of interesting music for interesting people on Saturday, Sept. 23, when Daniel Higgs and Chris Weisman bring their respective multidisciplinary, genre-crossing performances to the Sanctuary of 190 Main St. Perhaps best known as the singer and lyricist of the band Lungfish, Higgs, of Baltimore, has been observing and participating in various underground sub-scenes for over four decades, sharing poems, songs, and paintings. His...

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